We assemble every Sunday for studies in the Bible and to fulfill our worship to God collectively. We also meet on Wednesday for a midweek study of the Bible. Our meeting times are as follows:

  • Sunday morning Bible study: 9:30 a.m.
  • Sunday morning assembly: 10:30 a.m.
  • Sunday evening assembly: 5:30 p.m. (1st and 3rd Sundays only) Sunday evening services canceled until further notice
  • Wednesday evening Bible study: 7:00 p.m.

At times, we also offer additional classes or studies during the week that are open to visitors.

If you are in need of a Bible, then come see us and we will give you one for free. We want every person to have their own access to the word of God.

Who We Are

We are a distinct group of Christians that live in Kent, WA, and its surrounding communities. We are diverse with regard to professional occupations, incomes, education, and religious backgrounds. However, we are unified by our common identity as Christians, since we share a common fellowship with Jesus Christ. For this reason, we work together to preach His gospel, serve His people, and support His work through personal, spiritual, and financial contributions. While our members are dedicated to our particular congregation, we are supportive of genuine Christians everywhere. Read More

What We Believe

We believe the Bible to be God’s message to all people, and that it has been divinely-revealed by the Holy Spirit to Christ’s apostles and other inspired men. This does not mean that God literally wrote the words of the Bible, but that He provided the content and authority for what is written, and has divinely preserved that message for all humankind to read (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We believe that what has been written has also been substantiated by history, archaeology, credible eyewitness accounts, prophecy (and its fulfillment), and supernatural signs (Acts 17:30-31, Hebrews 2:4). These latter “signs” (or miracles) serve as God’s personal signature to the things recorded, so that we can know that this message is from heaven rather than of men (John 3:1-2). Read More

Becoming a Christian

"Being saved” is synonymous with becoming a Christian (in the genuine sense of the word). A person is saved by two concurrent and essential factors: God’s divine grace and that person’s obedient faith (Ephesians 2:8-10). These two components of salvation are not equal in power or scope, but are both absolutely necessary. “Grace” is anything and everything that God does to compensate for one’s human limitations regarding salvation. This means that God does for a person what he cannot do, not what he will not do. Thus, salvation is dependent upon divine grace, which necessarily involves the atoning work of Christ and sanctification [lit., the act of being made holy] of the Holy Spirit. Read More